smiling daughter and mother

Non-Medical Home Care Services

Blessed at Home Care is a lead­ing non-med­ical home care provider that offers ded­i­cat­ed care­givers and per­son­al assis­tants to sup­port indi­vid­u­als in main­tain­ing their inde­pen­dence.

Your Dedicated Caregivers and Personal Assistants

We under­stand the impor­tance of hav­ing assis­tance with dai­ly activ­i­ties and house­hold tasks, as well as pro­vid­ing com­pan­ion­ship and fami­ly sup­port ser­vices. Our range of ser­vices is flex­i­ble, rang­ing from as lit­tle as one hour per day to round-the-clock 24-hour care.

here to help lettering text on black background

Wide Range of Duties

As a caregiver/personal atten­dant with Blessed at Home Care, you can expect a wide range of duties to help enhance the lives of our clients. While the fol­low­ing list pro­vides an overview of typ­i­cal respon­si­bil­i­ties, please note that it is not exhaus­tive, and we are always open to dis­cussing oth­er rea­son­able requests based on your unique needs:

  1. Per­son­al Care Assis­tance: Our care­givers are trained to pro­vide assis­tance with activ­i­ties of dai­ly liv­ing (ADLs) such as bathing, groom­ing, dress­ing, and toi­let­ing. They ensure that per­son­al hygiene and groom­ing rou­tines are main­tained with dig­ni­ty and respect.
  2. Med­ica­tion Reminders: Care­givers can help clients remem­ber to take their med­ica­tions at the pre­scribed times. They can also assist with med­ica­tion man­age­ment, such as orga­niz­ing pill­box­es and coor­di­nat­ing pre­scrip­tion refills.
  3. Walk­ing Assis­tance and Trans­fer­ring: If mobil­i­ty is a chal­lenge, our care­givers pro­vide sup­port with walk­ing, trans­fer­ring from one place to anoth­er (such as from a bed to a chair), and ensur­ing safe­ty dur­ing move­ment.
  4. Eat­ing Assistance/Feeding: For indi­vid­u­als who require assis­tance with eat­ing or feed­ing, our care­givers are there to pro­vide patient and com­pas­sion­ate sup­port. They can help with meal set­up, feed­ing tech­niques, and ensur­ing a com­fort­able din­ing expe­ri­ence.
  5. Bathing and Groom­ing Assis­tance: Our care­givers assist with bathing, ensur­ing per­son­al hygiene is main­tained with dig­ni­ty and respect. They also pro­vide groom­ing sup­port, includ­ing hair care, shav­ing, and dress­ing for per­son­al care.
  6. Dress­ing: Our care­givers can assist with select­ing appro­pri­ate cloth­ing, ensur­ing com­fort and style while con­sid­er­ing per­son­al pref­er­ences. They pro­vide sup­port with dress­ing, includ­ing but­ton­ing, zip­ping, and tying shoelaces.
  7. Toileting/Continence Care: Our care­givers offer respect­ful and sen­si­tive assis­tance with toi­let­ing, includ­ing get­ting to and from the bath­room, main­tain­ing clean­li­ness, and pro­vid­ing con­ti­nence care for those who require it.
  8. Com­pan­ion­ship: We believe in the pow­er of com­pan­ion­ship to improve over­all well-being. Our care­givers are there to engage in con­ver­sa­tion, pro­vide emo­tion­al sup­port, and par­tic­i­pate in activ­i­ties that pro­mote social inter­ac­tion and men­tal stim­u­la­tion.
  9. Meal Prepa­ra­tion: Our care­givers can assist with meal plan­ning and prepa­ra­tion accord­ing to your dietary pref­er­ences and restric­tions. They ensure that prop­er nutri­tion is main­tained, pro­mot­ing over­all health and well-being.
  10. Appar­el Selec­tion: Our care­givers can help with select­ing out­fits that suit the occa­sion and per­son­al style. They con­sid­er com­fort, weath­er, and indi­vid­ual pref­er­ences to ensure you or your loved one feels con­fi­dent and com­fort­able.
  11. Oral Care: Main­tain­ing oral hygiene is essen­tial for over­all health. Our care­givers pro­vide assis­tance with brush­ing teeth, den­ture care, and oth­er oral care needs to pro­mote oral health and fresh­ness.
  12. Light House­keep­ing: Keep­ing a clean and orga­nized liv­ing envi­ron­ment is cru­cial for com­fort and safe­ty. Our care­givers can help with light house­keep­ing tasks such as dust­ing, vac­u­um­ing, laun­dry, and chang­ing bed linens.
  13. Trans­porta­tion and Errands: Our care­givers can pro­vide trans­porta­tion assis­tance, whether it’s accom­pa­ny­ing clients to med­ical appoint­ments, gro­cery shop­ping, social events, or run­ning errands. This ser­vice allows indi­vid­u­als to remain active and engaged in their com­mu­ni­ties.
  14. Fam­i­ly Sup­port Ser­vices: We rec­og­nize the impor­tance of fam­i­ly involve­ment in the care process. Our care­givers can offer sup­port to fam­i­ly mem­bers by pro­vid­ing respite care, assis­tance with com­mu­ni­ca­tion and coor­di­na­tion of care, and reg­u­lar updates on their loved one’s well-being.
  15. Spe­cial­ized Care: Depend­ing on your spe­cif­ic needs, we can arrange for care­givers with exper­tise in spe­cial­ized care areas, such as demen­tia or Alzheimer’s care, post-surgery or reha­bil­i­ta­tion sup­port, or chron­ic ill­ness man­age­ment.

Errands and trans­porta­tion 

  • Gro­cery and clothes shop­ping 
  • Pick up pre­scrip­tions
  • Go to doc­tor appoint­ments
  • Dri­ve to beau­ty salon or gym
  • Dine out for lunch or din­ner
  • Attend church ser­vices.
person driving car

At Blessed at Home Care, our focus is on pro­vid­ing excep­tion­al care tai­lored to your indi­vid­ual require­ments. We strive to cre­ate a per­son­al­ized care plan that meets your needs while pro­mot­ing your inde­pen­dence and over­all qual­i­ty of life.

communion trays and chalice beside a wine in bottle on brown wooden table

Per­son­al Needs

  • Han­dle dry clean­ing. 
  • Buy stamps and mail pack­ages. 
  • Dri­ve fam­i­ly gath­er­ings 
  • Attend­ing the­ater and movie events. 

Please note that if you have any ques­tions or are unsure about whether a par­tic­u­lar ser­vice can be pro­vid­ed, our man­age­ment team is always avail­able to assist and address any con­cerns you may have. Your com­fort, safe­ty, and sat­is­fac­tion are our top pri­or­i­ties.

Light house­keep­ing 

  • Dust 
  • Clean kitchen, 
  • Orga­nize clos­ets. 
  • Change the linen and make beds. 
  • Light laun­dry 
  • Light iron­ing  
  • Vac­u­um 
man cleaning floor with vacuum cleaner

Area of Service

Nova­to, San Rafael, Petaluma, Kent­field, San Ansel­mo, Fair­fax, Lark­spur, Ross, Mill Val­ley and Marin Coun­ty, Cal­i­for­nia, Unit­ed States.

Contact Us Today

Con­tact Blessed at Home Care today to dis­cuss your unique care needs and explore how we can sup­port you in main­tain­ing your inde­pen­dence and enhanc­ing your qual­i­ty of life.